Clean and Repair: Greentop Nursery (PC version) Companion Infinite Ammo - put one shell in their inventory and they never run out. AES_Renovated Furnatiure- appears in list. SMH- appears in list, don’t know what it does.turned off SC Expanded Scrap List- Appears in list. Ballistic Weave Standarized- Allows Ballistic Weave to be applied to all clothing. Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR)- This is required for any AWKCR based mod like Northern Springs Worldspace DLC Sized Mod- not downloaded, maybe in future. I’ve decided to go with Sim Settlements so I’ve turned off several mods that alter the appearance of settlements. Total list from when I first started playing, but now only bolded are installed: If it is there, I install it via the game, if it’s not there I download it manually from NMM and install it though the old NMM mod utility. To install I usually look for them at Nexus Mod Manager to see a bigger list. With that out of the way, let’s dive into the best Fallout 4 mods to use in 2021.Here is my 2019 list. If you’re on PC, we recommend installing the Fallout 4 Script Extender ahead of time to make the process of installing and removing complex mods a lot easier down the road. Every mod on this list is available for download through either Nexus or Bethesda Mods. Here, we’ll be highlighting the essential Fallout 4 mods to breathe new life into the now five-year-old RPG and make the game run better than ever. Ever since Bethesda rolled out mod support in 2016, the community has been out in full force, and nowadays, there’s a mod for pretty much anything you can imagine. If you’re searching for the best Fallout 4 mods in 2021, you’ve got your work cut out for you.

While mods are a great way to extend a game’s replay value, tweak its graphics, or add a bunch of cool new features, they can also be used to dream up bizarre content the developers would never think to put in the game.