As in, getting bit by a snake is toxic so watch out because that snake is toxic as it tends to bite with or without provocation and when it does it will cause you harm.While this is an old topic.the mod has updated A LOT since. It CAN mean a person, group or concept is proving to be habitually more damaging than good from the perspective of the person claiming something, someone, or something to be toxic. I find it just means that a particular opinion, take, attitude or approach causes more damage than is worth having in one's experience than one gets any benefit from. We do still try to keep it functional for the many fans of he and his team's work for now, despite his irritation, in recognition of the popularity of having that play feature to go along with all the added things we've included here. He apparently was not in agreement with the nature of that agreement we all signed when we created our accounts (or were sent to review when we did at least.) As he was angry we deigned to not go out of our way to eliminate it from the basis upon which we built our mod (C2C is a pinnacle mod designed on the shoulders of many designs to precede it) we agreed to keep our work on it to a minimal and perhaps even remove it eventually when we decided we wanted to replace it with something of our own design. AKA, if it's on this site, it's free to include in your mod provided you distribute your mod primarily as linked through this site.

I'm not sure that makes them toxic but it certainly does present an attitude that flies in the face of the spirit of the CivFanatics charter which insists everything posted here can not only be not for profit but is also open to be shared and redistributed by other community members as part of the contribution to the ongoing development of civilization mods as a whole. The 'toxicity' in this case was that we reached out to one of the designers a few years back to ask to see if they'd like to share or collaborate to correct known bugs in rev and upon finding out that we had inherited a version of it through AND/ROM, instead of being happy to see it was being appreciated on a wider scale, was offended that we would not have cut it out of our mod or directly requested the right to include it. As in, getting bit by a snake is toxic so watch out because that snake is toxic as it tends to bite with or without provocation and when it does it will cause you harm.

Click to expand.I find it just means that a particular opinion, take, attitude or approach causes more damage than is worth having in one's experience than one gets any benefit from.